Keizer Network of Women – KNOW

The Keizer Network of Women is a group composed of professional women who are committed to increasing their business success by the means of networking amongst each other.

Why We Exist

The Keizer Network of Women (KNOW) is a group composed of women reshaping the landscape of local business through collaboration and mutual support.  The Keizer Network of Women is committed to advancing business success and personal development by leveraging the power of networking, fostering strong relationships, and making impactful contributions to the community.


KNOW was established with a clear and ambitious purpose: to create a robust network specifically for women, for business networking, relationship development, and community service. By connecting like-minded women, the group aims to cultivate a supportive environment where camaraderie and professional growth go hand in hand.

Membership and Participation

Keizer Chamber of Commerce members are welcome to attend all KNOW meetings. and events. Participating in KNOW is a benefit of your Keizer Chamber Membership. Non-members are welcome to attend up to two KNOW events before joining, to meet other members and experience all that KNOW has to offer. Members are encouraged to bring guests to meetings, broadening the network and fostering new connections. 


Ladies meeting at an event, sitting around round tables, with a speaker talking


Tami Levin

Tami Levin


Brooke Herbert

Brooke Herbert


Handbag / Purse Store - wit lots of shelves - multi colors of purses and wood like shelves

Percey Event

Each year, one of our main fundraisers for our Holiday Giving Baskets is the Percey Auction & Dinner.

PERCEY is an annual, ladies-only auction planned and facilitated by the members of KNOW held in May of each year. An entertaining evening of gifts, games and silent auction items leads to the grand finale, live-auction of designer handbags – hence, the event name “PERCEY”. The live auction consists of  supremely stuffed designer handbags.

Local businesses help sponsor the event so more money can go to the children and families. In addition, businesses sponsor tables to honor & celebrate our educators and school staff, providing  a well-deserved evening out.

All proceeds from this annual event go directly back to the children and families of Keizer.

Keizer Chamber Giving Basket Program

The Keizer Chamber Giving Basket Program serves Keizer area children and families during the holiday season with needed items such as food and clothing, plus a gift – which can be anything from books to toys and games to art supplies.

The Giving Basket Program is facilitated by the Keizer Network of Women (KNOW) and is funded through the annual PERCEY event, with hundreds of additional donations from the surrounding community.

How it Works

Each winter 8-10 area businesses set up Christmas trees decorated with gift tags of wishes from children in our local area. Community members take the tags, fill the requests, and return the unwrapped gifts to the business or Keizer Chamber.

Then Keizer’s Elves, the ladies of KNOW with support from the Men of Action Keizer (MAK) group collect gifts and bring them to Santa Central.

Gifts are checked for accuracy and placed in a family box. (All tags are confidential, only listing the age and gender of each child and great care is taken to help maintain the privacy of every child and family.)

In addition, each family also receives a healthy box filled to the brim with non-perishable food, sacks of potatoes, onions, and apples, a bag of rice, and a family-sized ham. All thanks to donations from our local businesses, individuals, and the Keizer Community Food Bank

Volunteer Opportunities

Writing gift tags, wrapping gifts, sorting food, organizing boxes, and the grand finale of the season – delivering food and gifts to the families.

You can find the schedule of events on the Keizer Community Calendar.

Please contact us at the Keizer Chamber if you have any questions, or wish to get involved! We would love to have you.

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